Cropping image with rectangle, circle, oval & text. Uses your TrueType Fonts installed on your computer (Auto Font Import). Design center, Outlines, Shadows, Perspectives & Rotations 3D. Measurements of objects (auto calculation of lengths, surface). Simulation of blade trajectory on the path. Rhinestones: Island fill (Full or Partial).

Rhinestones: Color selection by size + color. Rhinestones: Color selection by color rhinestones. Convert an color image into a rhinestone pattern. Auto vectorization mode for Arabic & Indian fonts. Erase small surface interactive (Vectorization). Make rhinestone pattern with selected object. Copy selected stone (left, right, up, down). Composer rhinestones pattern (Repeat, inverse, center etc).

FEATURES LIST (more than any other competing software’s basic, starter or lite version software). Prevents’unstick’ of sharp corners Prevents ripping of your substrate at the corner & sharp angled cuts. Cutter always starts a new path with proper blade orientation to avoid twisting the substrate to prevent damage & waste. Cut by colors, add wedding, rotate etc… Minimiseroll and unroll of the vinyl sheet to avoid slipping and distortion.

This exclusive function is useful to weed big designs. Contour cut using ARMs for GCC & SAGA cutters.
#How to crop image in winpcsign pro windows#
NO INTERNET CONNECTION REQUIRED! WINDOWS 10, 8, 7, XP COMPATIBLE (Win 10 in Compatibility Mode). UPDATED BUNDLE FOR 2017! NOW WINDOWS 10, 8, 7, XP COMPATIBLE (Win 10 in Compatibility Mode). Includes The Latest WinPCSIGN PRO’14 Software.